A Sexy 'Dudeoir' Photoshoot Just in Time for Halloween

This morning, I was searching #PumpkinButt on Instagram. Why I was doing that is irrelevant; what matters is that I came across this. By this, I mean a magnificent photoshoot, an extraordinary show of love, a husband's decision to pose basically naked for his talented photographer wife (Gayla Thompson of GT Photography).

Sure, the dudeoir thing has been done and done and done again, but never so timely or so well. It's as if these two woke up on September 30 and said to each other "Is Operation October Viral Fucking Gold still a go?" before initiating the plan, which, if true, would make them #CoupleGoals.

Speaking of which ... just check the excellent hashtag #PumpkinButt out. Go ahead (and find more pumpkin penis-covering below).
