Our Organization

Chief Conspirator

Founder of the New Society for Wellness. Oversees the direction of the organization.

The 11

The guiding body of the New Society for Wellness. Responsible organization’s needs, approving and suggesting members and carrying out various tasks aimed at increasing the visibility of the NSFW. 


Leadership for the growth of the organization in new cities. Responsible for overseeing the NSFW Clubhouse. Each house is assigned a Conspirator who suggests educational programs and builds our membership through outreach.

Conspirators are responsible for the overall health of each Clubhouse through enforcing code of conduct. Responsible for maintaining safe, judgement-free environments for members.

The Nymphs

Responsible for ensuring all members adhere to our Code of Conduct at NSFW gatherings. Guardians dressed in white they oversee the Clubhouse and larger events. Available to help in the event of conflict.

The Muses

Responsible for the entertainment and education of our members through music, performances and lessons in exploration.

The Members 

Those who join the NSFW are encouraged to attend events and connect to other members in our private community. Only Members are invited to become Muses, Nymphs and Conspirators.