Kinky Stories From Women Who Claim They've Slept With Ghosts


You know what they say: Once you have sex with a ghost, you love it the most. While it seems crazy, spectrophilia - or sexual attraction to ghosts - is real. And there's plenty of people in the world who believe they in fact have had ghost sex - including some famous celebrities.

Most kinky ghost stories happen to women for whatever reason. Whether it’s because women are more sexually open than men, or if it’s just because ghost women find human men disgusting is up for debate. But the one thing that we’re sure about is that these spooky tales are also very steamy.

Without any concrete data, it’s hard to know whether there are a specific group of sexual ghosts, or if all paranormal entities are roaming the earth in search of a human that they can hook up with while they sleep. Some of these spooky sex stories might creep you out, and some may titillate, but all of them will make you want to look into buying a Oujia board so you can meet your new boyfriend or girlfriend.

Sian Jameson Has A Type - And That Type Is Ghosts

Some gals have all the luck, and Sian Jameson definitely found the ghost of her dreams when she met "Robert." In an interview with the Daily Mail, this spectraphiliac gives such salacious details you can almost see the ectoplasm dripping off the page. 

"He was very handsome, with beautiful hazel eyes and, as we made love, he stroked my body tenderly and I could feel the weight of him pressing down on me. His body felt incredibly light. The whole encounter lasted an hour and afterwards he whispered: 'That was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced.' As we drifted off to sleep in one another’s arms, a voice in my head kept asking: 'Is this really happening?'"

Unfortunately, Sian and Robert's relationship wasn't long for this world, as Robert earned his wings and left this mortal coil. Jameson explains: "A couple of days after our first encounter, Robert arrived and said it would be our last night together. I never asked why. I sobbed when I woke and Robert was no longer in my bed. I guess I had been falling in love. Though I had one other ghost lover after that, I haven’t had sex with a ghost for over two years."

Amethyst Realm Swore Off Living Men Forever

This "spiritual guidance consultant" from Bristol says her sexual encounters with the dead have turned her off living men forever, and she even went as far to break off an engagement after she got her first taste of the afterlife. Realm's first time with a ghost came after a few weeks of flirting when she went to bed wearing "a sexy negligee and lay there in the darkness. I felt a pressure all over my body as if a person was lying on top of me, but lighter and softer than a human. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced. I know how bizarre it sounds, but it felt real. It was different to having sex with a man and afterwards I slept better than I had done in years. When I woke up, I knew it hadn’t been a dream. I didn’t feel at all guilty about cheating because the whole thing felt so natural."

This Divorcee Finally Meets The Man Of Her Dreams

Everyone deserves to be happy. Especially divorcees who are living alone after deciding to give up on men. Men are the worst! But you know who isn't the worst? Ghost dudes. Ann Elizabeth describes her sexy encounter with a ghost hunk straight from the pages of a paperback romance: "Lying in bed I wondered if I could summon a ghost to have sex with me. Closing my eyes, I envisioned a strong handsome man with big shoulders. I kept my eyes closed throughout because I was worried I might scare him or ruin the moment if I opened them. Afterwards, I thanked the ghost and asked him to leave, which he dutifully did. I jumped out of bed with flushed cheeks and glowing skin and went about my day."

Good for her. 

Ghost Sex Is Like A Real Relationship, But Better

In an interview with Mic, a woman going by the name of Joy discussed the ghost sex she was having at length, saying she had always been in tune with the spirit realm, so it definitely wasn't weird she was getting down with an apparition. "[I] used to have visits from strange spirits or whatever and actually have sex with them. It was very pleasurable. It was almost like I was in a real relationship with a guy."

Let The Ghosts Talk To Your Body

Laura Hale, a 23-year-old woman from Louisiana, believes her erotic ghost encounters are somehow tied to her persistent sleep paralysis. Could her brain be playing pleasurable, yet creepy tricks on her? Or is she being paid regular visits by a sexy specter?  The first time she experienced paranormal intercourse she wasn't sure. "It obviously creeped me out. I definitely felt sick about it, but it definitely felt like something sexual was happening to me and my body was responding. It was all kind of just 'This is really weird and I'm not sure what's happening.'"

Who Says All Sex Ghosts Have To Look The Same?

In 2010, an anonymous author on Your Ghost Stories told her story about being visited by multiple ghosts in the middle of the night and while she was unsure about the initial visits, she became used to the overt sexual nature of the visits over time. "After several weeks of [waking up feeling arouses], one night I woke up in this condition. However, this time, I was somehow aware that what had happened to me was that a spirit presence was somehow involved with me sexually. I was very sexually aroused and orgasmed (sic)." 

What kind of ghost, exactly, was visiting her? A pirate ghost? A bed sheet? The ghost of Patrick Swayze from Too Wong Foo? Not even close. "I soon began seeing translucent images of him. He is not a man. He is some greenish lizard dinosaur type creature. He is not mean or scary. All he wants is to arouse me and play together sexually. It is as if he wants to transfer sexual energy to me."


When The Trailer's Rockin' Don't Bother Knockin'

A widow living in a trailer park in New Hampshire with her daughter writes that on top of the usual paranormal activity she experiences around her home, there's definitely some sexy shenanigans happening after she falls asleep. "Later that night I half woke up and discovered I was half laying on my stomach and my hips were moving as if I were having sex. I could feel a weight against me but I knew I was the only one in the room. I didn't recall having erotic dreams. I drifted back to sleep and that's all I remember."

According to the anonymous writer this kind of behavior goes on for months at a time. 

Melissa Had A Great Time With Her Ghost Friend

While living in a condo in New Jersey, Melissa was working as a bartender in Manhattan so she had a lot of late nights and she would get home around 5 am. She says her first experience happened one morning as she was finally getting settled into bed. 

"I felt something heavy in the air almost. It just felt like the room was getting darker. I felt something on my legs, almost like a warmth, like a tingling. I kept getting all these weird sensations over my body. I felt almost something breathing on my neck like somebody was actually kissing me. My heart started to race, my breathing became deeper, and I just went through all the motions of having a sexual encounter with somebody."

The Phantom Humper Strikes Again

In 2010, a woman from Florida wrote into Your Ghost Stories to tell the story of her strange encounter with a phantom humper. She said she lives alone with her two dogs in a home surrounded by trees. After having sex once with her new ghost friend, it seemed as though the ghost grew more cavalier over the course of their relationship. 

"A while back when I was sleeping I felt a strange feeling or something pushing me down into my bed, it weirded me out but I kind of ignored it. Weeks later I was awaked (sic) by the shouting of my name. I thought it was a bad dream and ignored it. Now for the last week as I lay down to sleep I felt the bed shaking very lightly and like something was walking around my pillow and head like a cat might do. How very weird. I felt as if something was crawling around my legs and buttocks and turned on the lights and checked my bed for bugs but nothing. Okay then it happened again but this time [I was] still awake. I felt the crawling and cool spot on my anus and private area and a light pumping going on. How weird is that sometimes like a slight pin and needle feeling around my hips or buttocks."

Forget about it Jake, it's Florida. 

Never Invite A Demon Home

One anonymous writer went in depth about having sex with what they thought was a ghost, but turned out to be a demon. It's a tale as old as time. While staying the night and doing some ghost hunting with a friend, the writer was visited by something as she slept. "I was lying in my bed trying to sleep and I felt a sensation in my private area. It felt really good, and it kept feeling really good." It felt so good that the woman asked the demon to come home with her, and come it did. 

Upon arriving back at her house the woman set some ground rules, like "not to sexually come to [her] when [her] husband was home," which makes sense! After things started getting weird (or weirder than ghost sex), the writer did some research and realized that she was probably dealing with an incubus and called a minister to help her expel the demon. 

(original article