Membership Levels

You must be vetted and approved to attend.

You can apply at TheNSFW.Club.

One Night Only

Vetted attendees must purchase a one-night membership at the door for $35 and $15 for each guest. One Night does not open The NSFW Chats or activate your member profile The NSFW Club. You must have an access pass before you arrive.

The Member Card

No entry fees. Buy access passes to join our adventures and access uncensored NSFW Chats. Meet 8,000 members on our private dating site.

$300 (One Time)

VIP Member Card

Pirate Bunny

Secret events. No entry fees. Two access passes for NSFW adventures and VIP channel on our Chats.

$2500 (One Time)


Every month

Available at The NSFW Chelsea Only

The NSFW Member Card and Pirate Bunny NFTs are a digital contract on the blockchain, a ledger keeping track of who holds our member cards. There are only 10,000 NSFW Member Cards and 1,000 VIP Pirate Bunnies. By providing access in this way, you hold onto your Member Card and can sell or trade it.

Membership is active at purchase.