John Mayer Ditches Alcohol For Cannabis, Says Drinking "is a Con"

John Mayer has some choice words for alcohol.

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, the guitarist and singer-songwriter didn't hold back when he was asked to clarify a comment he'd made during an earlier interview with the New York Times, when he said he was "entering cannabis life".

"I put [cannabis] where drinking used to go, and the quality of life has gone up considerably," he told Rolling Stone's Patrick Doyle.

Not only did Mayer say that his life is better because of cannabis; he admitted that when he was drinking, he often felt he was overdoing it.

"Drinking is a fucking con. How much is enough? Every time I drank, I was looking for some sort of regulated amount. It always feels wrong for me. I always feel like I went overboard," he said.

"I never had a serious issue with it, but I remember looking around going, 'This feels rigged. I'm taking a break.' There's never an amount that felt like I was succeeding at life. It always felt wrong."

Then Doyle asked Mayer if weed made him "weird or too inside your head":

"I was always the guy saying that I didn't like altered states. Once you know who you are, then it becomes OK. I'm much more open-minded to small changes in consciousness," he says.

While he may have prescribed to a certain way of thinking before using cannabis, it seems Mayer's keen sense of self-awareness has allowed him to fully embrace the effects that come with getting high.

With more and more celebrities coming out of the cannabis closet, and some even running their own lines of cannabis products, we're wondering how many have also decided to give up alcohol. 

Mayer's decision to make the switch to cannabis also makes us wonder if the plant made it easier for him to leave alcohol behind—especially in light of new research that has shown that cannabis has potential as an effective 'exit' drug for patients suffering from addiction.  

(This article previously appeared in and was written by Amanda Siebert)


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