A New Campaign Aims To Show That Sexual Consent Is Not Hard


There are those who would have you believe that sexual consent is so murky as to be, in some cases, unobtainable. We're calling bullshit.

While sex can be complicated as hell, consent isn't. As Kate Harding, the author of Asking for It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture — and What We Can Do About It, put it in Dame Magazine, "Basically, if at any point, you're not completely sure your partner is into what you're doing, you need to stop doing it." Consent isn't some contract you sign; it's ongoing communication between partners. If communication can't happen, for whatever reason, consent can't be given.

Project Consent is on a mission to demonstrate through its Twitter account and short videos that this is really a pretty straightforward concept. The brevity of its 19-second video "Whistling," above, and the simplicity of the exchange between its anthropomorphized butt and penis (yes, really) convey just that. Watch for a glimpse of how simple this whole consent thing can be.


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